Monday, January 21, 2008

Let's Get Started

Day 1 / 90
Phase 1 , Week 1 , Routine 1
Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Weight:   298 lbs     -     Loss:  
% Loss:       -     Rate:  

I originally planned to start yesterday morning, but come 2am I didn't feel the same. I did however, get around to taking my 'Before Picture'(click to play.) So today becomes the new Day 1, and yesterday is forgotten. I do however, plan on getting back on schedule this Sunday. I will simply skip the Rest Day(Routine 7) and start again on Routine 1 on Sunday. All future Rest days should fall on Saturday.

Today I set the alarm for 3:45am, planning for one 15 minute snooze(which I took), and I made it to the play button by 4:15am. I was surprised to learn how out-of-shape I am. I thought I would do far better than I did. I made it about half way through the Chest & Back routine before I was completely out of gas. This routine is a repeat routine, so I really made it all the way through once and skipped the repeat. Then I skipped the Ab Ripper X routine altogether. I watched it, somehow thinking that I would find a second wind, but it never came. At least I have been given a new goal. I can now strive to finish the whole routine.

  • Crystal Lite - 20 cal.
  • Lean Pocket - 240 cal.
  • Lite Yogurt - 100 cal.
  • Lean Cuisine - 270 cal.
  • Trail Mix - 160 cal.
  • Spaghetti - 800 cal.
Total: 1590 cal.

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