Monday, March 3, 2008


Day 43 / 90
Phase 2 , Week 7 , Routine 2
Weight:   260 lbs     -     Loss:   38 lbs
% Loss:   12.8 %     -     Rate:   0.298 %

Another great Plyo workout. I can't say much else about it. I brought incremental improvements, and I kept my heart-rate really high. I think I could taste the rate in my breath.

Right now I am looking forward what Phase 3 will bring. Phase 1 brought dramatic weight loss as well as cardiovascular conditioning. Phase 2 brought Equilibrium between fat loss and muscle/strength gain. This is not as easy to track but can be seen in the workbook with the weekly improvements in resistance and with my relatively unchanging weight. In this phase the lean mass is growing faster than the fat is lost, but is keeping the actual weight constant. As my 28 day rolling actual weight is falling to zero, I am not sure what Phase 3 will bring but I am hoping to see a return of a downward trend in actual weight.I was reading the other day at that muscle is "Active Tissue" and it burns calories all day, even while at rest. The more muscle, the more calorie burn(of course you need to work it to keep it, but that is not an issue right now). So with the muscle growth of Phase 2, I am hoping to see an exponential loss begin in Phase 3 with continued muscle growth and progressively increasing fat loss. For now, it is still painful to look at the scale each day, as there is sill know sign of any sort of loss trend resuming. On the up side, I am "chompin' on the bit" for Back & Biceps tomorrow. I am hoping to really tear it up, and feel good about putting that routine to bed for a few weeks, and knowing that I earned it.

  • Rockstar Zero - 20 cal.
  • Lean Pocket - 240 cal.
  • Natural Crunchy Granola Bar - 180 cal.
  • Crystal Lite - 20 cal.
  • Apple - 85 cal.
  • Vegetable Soup - 160 cal.
  • Lean Cuisine - 250 cal.
  • Wheat Thins Multi Grain Toasted Chips - 120 cal.
  • Chef Salad - 250 cal.
  • Chicken Sandwich - 200 cal.
Total: 1525 cal.

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