Wednesday, February 27, 2008

260 is the new 276!

Day 38 / 90
Phase 2 , Week 6 , Routine 4
Yoga X
Weight:   260 lbs     -     Loss:   38 lbs
% Loss:   12.8 %     -     Rate:   0.337 %

I got started a little late, this morning. I stayed up to late last night(11:30pm) and I could not get up to the 3:00am alarm. I actually turned it off and went back to bed(unintentionally). I woke up 45 minutes later and realized what I did. Luckily, it did not have too much effect on the duration of my workout. I made it to the workout room at work by 4:30am. I made it all the way through the workout, minus the last ten minutes. By then, it was getting too close to 6:00am and I had too large an audience(other people using the gym) to do all the closing yoga meditation moves. Great workout, though. It was one my best performances on the yoga routine. I had sweat running down my face into my eyes in the first 15 minutes. The only issue I had involved the equipment at the gym. The workout mats have far too much padding for yoga. I could not keep my balance on even the simplest postures. I ended up moving to the bare carpet(industrial/high traffic). I may have to start bringing my mat from home. Of course I skipped some of the still impossible moves like the Right Angle Pose, and all of the variations(except the first) of Warrior Three(Crescent Moon...etc). I did manage(once) to balance in the Swan Pose for roughly 5 whole consecutive seconds between toe-taps. All-in-all, I am very satisfied with todays' improvements over last weeks shortcomings.

  • Lean Pocket - 290 cal.
  • Natural Crunchy Granola Bar - 180 cal.
  • Large Banana - 125 cal.
  • Salad - 80 cal.
  • Chicken/Rice Soup - 200 cal.
  • Lean Cuisine - 310 cal.
  • Apple - 85 cal.
  • Meatloaf, Grean Beans, Potatoes - 300 cal. (Small Portions)
Total: 1570 cal.

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